Customer Service
August 27, 2020


Customers might forget your Brand’s name

Customers might forget your Content and Ads

But Customers will never forget How you made them Feel.

In this digital era, B2B customers are well-informed and socially connected. Their expectations are skyrocketing, and businesses are competing to seek their attention. Offering great Customer Experience, especially in high-tech is important for Businesses to succeed in this competitive environment.

Why Customer Experience is Important for B2B High-Tech Companies?

Customer Experience is an untapped gold mine for businesses. Research strongly indicates that Customer Experience in high-tech B2B is more important than ever.

“Customer-Experience Driven Brands have 5.7 times more revenue than competitors who lag in Customer Experience”

High-tech B2B in buying process has also changed over the years and now every buyer Googles about the product, its features, etc and now decision makers want more. They want to have fruitful experiences.

81% of customers feel that experiences are as important as the product or service. Also 82% of Businesses say they will pay more for great Customer Experience.”

Are you convinced now that Customer Experience has to be the focus area for your Business?

You should be.

But the real question is – How to offer exceptional Customer Experience in this competitive high-tech B2B Landscape?

How to Improve Customer Experience?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is a blessing for many companies to stay ahead in the Customer Experience race.

In this article, we have come up with 5 ways you could use a CRM to improve Customer Experience specific to B2B High-Tech.

1. Centralized Contact Management – With CRM, B2B companies can maintain their contacts and every call, message, e-mail, purchases, etc made with the contact in a single system. CRM makes employees’ lives easier by providing a unified and detailed view of customer data, historic interactions, queries, etc.

Remember “Employees are Your First Customers”

If you keep Employees happy, they will in turn provide the best Customer Experience. CRM also keeps the employees connected; you can share data, tag co-workers, chat with them and so on.

Learn more about bringing user friendliness to internal software.

2. Improve Customer Communications Experience – With CRM, you could have quick and meaningful conversations with Businesses. You could automatically trigger emails, social media messages, live chats or calls from the tool. With Salesforce it’s possible to integrate with apps you already use as well.  

Did you know?

32% of customers stop doing business with a brand they love after only one bad experience.”

3. Personalize Customer Experience – With CRM, you could create multiple Customer segments and send targeted communications throughout their customer journey. Employees can check the customer record before any upcoming calls, meetings and talk to customers in a personal way.

80% of customers say they are more likely to do business with a company if it offers personalized experiences.”

Salesforce leverages the power of Predictive Analytics to understand customer’s preferences and tailor content accordingly. First ever AI for CRM – Einstein will also help you create more predictive marketing journeys.

Learn more about the latest trends in customer support in 2020.

4. Enhance Customer Relationships – With CRM, you could build relationships and trust by promptly communicating with customers. CRM can automate customer support communications, store important Customer information and generate accurate Reports and KPIs which could be used to improve Customer Experience.

65% of companies say improving their data analysis is very important to delivering a better customer experience.”

Salesforce has pre built dashboards, unified access to customer information and AI-powered applications to provide better Customer Service.

5. Improve Customer retention and Brand Loyalty – CRM can be used to understand customer’s specific needs, pain points and offer value consistently. Ultimately the customer would be satisfied, and they are more likely to purchase your products/services again or to buy different products from you.

“Experience-Driven businesses see almost 2x higher YoY growth in customer retention, repeat purchase rates and customer lifetime value than other businesses.”

CRM can help in getting feedback using Surveys from customers as well. Once we make them feel valued, they are more likely to stay loyal to the brand too.

Final Words

We can’t stress enough the importance of Customer Experience. It has become the brand differentiator in this competitive B2B High Tech Landscape.

Building a CX Program can do wonders for your business. CRM tool provides 360 Degree View of Customer, which could be used as a starting point to create exceptional Customer Experience ahead.

P.S – “Building a Good Customer Experience does not happen by accident; it happens by Design” – Clare Muscutt

About the author

Priya Ravichandran
Priya Ravichandran

Senior Consultant | Geeky Digital Marketer | Guest Content Writer

Priya Ravichandran is a consultant by day, content creator by night. Priya enjoys writing well-researched and easy-to-read business content. When she isn't typing or writing, she can be found backpacking or dancing.

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