“Good morning!”
This is how every day starts on Slack at Real Consulting. Everyone sends their greetings to the main channel every morning. Seems simple, but this tradition has been alive well before the Covid-19 crisis, in fact it has been going on since the foundation of the company in 2011.
But why not just greet everyone when they come to the office? Because 70% of the people are based elsewhere. In fact Cloudideas has employees in Hanau, Dusseldorf, Munich, Manheim, Offenbach, Flensburg, Amsterdam, Marseille, Madrid. And we are proud of this.
Remote works well for us because one of the core values at Cloudideas is flexibility for both our employees and customers. We provide Salesforce implementation, support and training projects to customers, and being flexible allows us to find the most customised solutions to fit each customer’s needs. Also thanks to the Salesforce technology to make it happen.
To introduce us and our working style, we did a small survey at Cloudideas. Since we have been doing this for 9 years, the idea is to show what are our experiences of working remotely, how it works with our customers and how we keep our culture alive. Below the highlights:
Follow our blog to get more ideas on how to leverage the Salesforce platform to working remote as well as on updates about Real Consulting.
We welcome you also to get in touch if you have any questions or would like to know more about how we can help you.